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Dec 31, 2013

How Wall Street buys professors to teach, write and testify on Wall Street's behalf with two time Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist David Kocieniewsk from The New York Times. David Kocieniewski wrote two investigative articles this year about Goldman Sachs and Apple that we discuss all the time on this...

Dec 28, 2013

A Kitchen Wet Dreams spectacular with conversation, sketches and song! We have something for everybody today. Michael Snyder, our resident film critic, tells us what movies to avoid this holiday weekend, Paul Dooley, Hal Lublin, Eddie Pepitone, Kevin Rooney,  Janie Haddad Tompkins, Jeremy S. Kramer, Rick Overton, Will...

Dec 28, 2013

Comic Maz Jobrani describes playing Beirut. Also Retired Lt. Commander Diane Goldstein from LEAP tells us how cops benefit financially by keeping marijuana illlegal. She goes on to call for the legalization of marijuana. Founded on March 16, 2002, LEAP is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization made up of current and...

Dec 27, 2013

Did Americans do their patriotic duty and spend money they didn't have for Christmas? We ask Tiffany Hsu who covers retail for the Los Angeles Times. Down With Tyranny's Howie Klein with yet another exclusive. David Sedaris' favorite story teller Dylan Brody tells us a X-Mas story. And then Film Critic Michael Snyder...

Dec 24, 2013

Our Christmas special featuring the words and music of Will Ryan and The Cactus County Cowboys with Jeremy S. Kramer, Hal Lublin, and on the licorice stick Cactus County Chloe Fiorenzo. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Single Payer For All!