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Nov 26, 2010

Rebroadcast from KPFK 90.7 FM. North Korea, Ireland, Al Pacino, George Bush, Tom Delay and more with Tom Hayden

Nov 20, 2010

From Pacifica Radio: David tackles the Bush library, Charlie Rangel, A Royal Wedding and the TSA. Special Guest Tom Hayden. Through his activism, politics and writing, Tom Hayden remains a leading voice for ending our wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, eliminating sweatshops, protecting the environment, animals,...

Nov 12, 2010

Author of The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street. This is a rebroadcast of our show for Pacifica Radio.

Nov 9, 2010

On Paris, European healthcare, Americans who walk on the street while eating, French riots versus LA riots, rape babies, gays, guns, abortion, and toast. Taylor is a deeply hysterical comedian who has starred in such movies as Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Easy Money, Young Doctors In Love,  One Crazy Summer,  River’s...

Nov 6, 2010

From Pacifica Radio's KPFK: Episode six of The David Feldman Comedy Podcast Radio Show.