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May 30, 2017

The leader of the free world calls women "fat pigs," "dogs," "slobs," and "disgusting animals." Over the next four years what hope do women have for their "whatevers?" Especially the millions of female refugees lacking toilets, running water and basic sanitation. Dr. Marni Sommer writes about menstruation...

May 26, 2017

Jonathan Allen author of "Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign." And Professor Corey Brettschneider author of "When The State Speaks."

Last night Montana Republican Greg Gianforte won a congressional seat despite, check that, because he had just been caught beating up a reporter.

On today’s show comedy...

May 23, 2017

Comic Dave Juskow and Film Critic Michael Snyder.

David talks to Greg Fitzsimmons about bringing your kids to see you do stand-up, Howard Stern, Greg’s father and having male friends.

David talks to Dave Juskow about his live productions of the Godfather, Mel Brooks' and Carl Reiner's shockingly horrible taste in...

May 19, 2017

Mark Normand’s Comedy Central special Don’t Be Yourself debuts this week. He talks about suffering brain freeze on last week’s Tonight Show, his insatiable need to be loved, the idiocy of dancing, and why women are attracted to men who have a lot of sex. Fred Stoller discusses his new Kindle Single, “Five...

May 16, 2017

Donald Trump leaks classified information to the Russians. Howie Klein from Down with Tyranny fills us in. How corrupt is Congress? On Monday, Politico released the results of its three-month study of senators and house members who continue to play the stock market, trading on what some might call inside information...