Nov 28, 2017
Today's podcast is brought to you by - get $50 towards any mattress purchase by visiting and using David Feldman at...
Nov 24, 2017
Comedy Writing Legend Jon Ross delivers a stern warning to David about taste and why jokes can hurt. Jackie "The Joke Man" Martling makes David laugh so hard he breaks a chair. Plus we meet Progressive Democratic Representative Kaniela Saito Ing who is running for Hawaii's first congressional district.
Nov 21, 2017
Nobody should donate to PBS until we are assured that no PBS money is used to pay Charlie Rose's settlements for sexual assault. There's a revolution afoot. America is about to run on estrogen, and I tell white men why that's a good thing for white men. On today's show we discuss every single powerful man in Hollywood...
Nov 17, 2017
Comics Dave Sirus & Jon Ross plus Constitutional Law Professor Corey Brettschneider. We talk Franken, Moore and Eggs.
Bonnie McFarlane is the author of "You're Better Than Me: A Memoir." She is also the director of "Women Aren't Funny."
Nov 14, 2017
A sixth woman says President George Herbert Walker Bush sexually assaulted her when she was 16. Bush apologizes. We go over the entire list of sexual predators in Washington and Hollywood. The victims are finally believed. HOWIE KLEIN talks Judge Roy Moore, NANCY GILES from MSNBC and CBS Sunday Morning on why victims...