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Aug 28, 2020

34.2 million Americans have diabetes, that's 10.5% of the US population. 88 million Americans, 18 years or older, have prediabetes, that's 34.5% of the adult US population. As America's eating habits spread throughout the world, diabetes is now a global pandemic.  

On Today's Episode: Our first Diabetes Town Hall; Two...

Aug 25, 2020

Purchase tickets for Saturday's "Covid Town Square" on Zoom! Only $15. August 29, 2020, 9:30 PM (EST) Seating is limited to 100 participants. Click on link below to meet The Irritable Immunologist and Immuno Biologist Henry Hakamaki. All proceeds go towards Henry Hakamaki's research and education:

Eventbrite Ticket...

Aug 21, 2020

Law Professor Jody Armour whose new book is, "N*gga Theory: Race, Language, Unequal Justice, and the Law";  Constitutional Law Scholar Bruce Fein who served as deputy attorney general in the Reagan administration; Congressman Alan Grayson, author of "High Crimes: The Impeachment of Donald Trump;" Philosophy Professor...

Aug 18, 2020

Shahid Buttar is running for Congress as a Democratic Socialist. On today's show, he fends off coordinated attacks against his reputation and demonstrates why, now more than ever, he must defeat neoliberal lap dog Nancy Pelosi; Down With Tyranny's Howie Klein, founder and treasurer of The Blue America PAC, calls the...

Aug 14, 2020

Thomas Frank, author of "What's the Matter with Kansas?: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America," "Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?" And his latest, "The People, No: A Brief History of Anti-Populism;" Screenwriter Dave Sirus, who latest movie is "The King of Staten Island;"