Jan 29, 2011
Lord Foblin reports on Egypt and remembers Dodi and Di, President Hosni Mubarak's son-in-law talks Cairo, we meet soliders on the front line against Obama Care, Kevin Rooney Rick Overton and Jimmy Dore discuss The King's Speech and Obama's State of The Union. Written by Karen Simmons, Steve Rosenfield, Ron Babcock, Jim...
Jan 26, 2011
Taylor Negron and Eddie play Jew Or Nazi, Alan Chapman sings, David refuses to apologize for calling Sarah Palin a Nazi, more on Todd Palin and hookers in Alaska, General Electric poisons America, our Announcer attacks his wife, the Koch Brothers are Koch Suckers, So are Scalia and Thomas, Kevin Rooney and Stefane...
Jan 21, 2011
Todd Palin visits prostitutes, Julian Assange's new WikiHarmony dating site, Andrea Martin stops by, Wal Mart sells guns and ammo to snipers, and Comcast devours NBC. Featuring Mark Thompson, Ron Babcock, Bill Burr, Andrea Martin, Stefane Zamorano, Jane Edith Wilson, and Kevin Rooney. Written by Steve Rosenfield, Jim...
Jan 18, 2011
Andrea Martin performs "Jew or Nazi?" She sings, "Making Love To Feldman" and then talks shop with us. We hear from the Bush Meat Advisory Council. Andrea, Jane Edith Wilson and Stef look for gas. Eddie eats a panda while Joseph Cotton returns from the dead to besmirch Koko The Gorilla. Written by Steve Rosenfield,...
Jan 15, 2011
BBC's Lord Trevor Foblin reflects upon Elton John, Noel Coward, Eddie Cantor, and Water On The Brain. We meet the NRA's Wayne LaPierre and the cold dead corpse of Charlton Heston. Along with Kevin Rooney, Jimmy Dore, Ron Babcock and Jim Earl. Originally broadcast on 1/14/11 on KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles Pacifica Radio...