Mar 29, 2022
Today features in depth coverage of the fighting between Russia and Ukraine as well as the fighting between Will Smith and his inner demons.
Topics: Will Smith apologizes for his toxic masculinity; Roman
Polanski; Biden calls for regime change in Russia; Are Biden's
gaffes on purpose?;
Guests With Time Stamps:
Mar 25, 2022
Our special guest is Comic Judah Friedlander whose done countless specials for Netflix and Comedy Central. Judah played Frank Rossitano on the NBC sitcom 30 Rock and Toby Radloff in the film American Splendor
Topics: Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson; Ted Cruz; Lindsey Graham; Bill Maher; Cats in Ukraine; Mo Brooks; Biden...
Mar 22, 2022
Topics: Clarence Thomas; Hunter Biden's laptop; It's Spring; Mariupol; Tanks may now be obsolete; Is Russia losing?; America's mass shootings are back; The dirty truth about Warren Buffett
Guests With Time Stamps
(0:47) David Does the News
(1:23:00) "Ain't No Chairs" written and performed by Professor Mike...
Mar 18, 2022
SPECIAL GUEST: President Donald J. Trump joins us to talk midterms, Ukraine, Sleepy Joe Biden, and Dr. Pimple Popper.
Guests With Time Stamps:
(1:14) David Does the News
(1:03:24) Pete Dominick (host of "StandUp! With Pete Dominick") talks Ukraine.
(1:35:09) Animal Facts! With Professor Pamela
(1:49:00) Stump the Hump!...
Mar 15, 2022
We talk government, corporate and self censorship with RT America's Lee Camp, Project Censored's Mickey Huff and from This Is Revolution Jason Myles and Pascal Robert. Trevor Aaronson from The Intercept talks about the FBI with Peter B. Collins. We meet two Socialist candidates, one is running for congress in Oregon...