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May 28, 2014

On today's show David sits down with John Matthews to discuss the unfair deal cheerleaders get from the NFL. Then Jerry Stahl and David catch up on how things went while he was away in New York. Plus film critic Michael Snyder reviews the latest movies in the theaters. Also, a song from Will Ryan featuring Jeremy Kramer...

May 22, 2014

David returns from his time away on the east coast with Ralph Nader to hang out and catch with Kira Soltanovich, Hal Lublin, Jeremy Kramer, Paul Dooley and Will Ryan. Plus movie reviews with Michael Snyder. 

May 20, 2014

Filling in for David, Steve Skrovan and Jerry Stahl talk to Emmy Award winning writer and former Writer's Guild president, Patric Verrone about why he's running for State Senate in California District 26, how he led the WGA through the strike of 2007-08 and his career writing for Johnny Carson, The Simpsons...

May 18, 2014

Tonight we talk Prison, Reform & Redemption with Hollywood exec Scott Budnick - who left his a career as successful producer (The Hangover Trilogy) to focus on his project, ARC - the Anti-Recidivism Coalition - and work on behalf of California inmates. Scott talks about sitting down with Obama to talk convict rights,...

May 13, 2014

On today's show the brilliant writer Jerry Stahl fills in for David while he's away in Washington hanging out and recording the Ralph Nader Radio Hour. Jerry's guest is his old friend Larry Charles, who's credits are so long and varied that we might break the internet listing them all here. But here's a few:...