Sep 30, 2020
Complete coverage of the Biden/Trump debate starring our spirited roundtable of highbrow lowlifes:
Melania Trump (Martha Previte); Citizen Bacon reports from Cleveland outside the debate; Zack Ford, press secretary Alliance For Justice; The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State; Jim Earl,...
Sep 29, 2020
Today's podcast has been rescheduled for tomorrow, so that we may bring you a post-mortem of the Trump/Biden Debate scheduled for later tonight.
Watch the Presidential Debate with us in the Zoom room, and then watch and participate in a live recording of The David Feldman Show's Post Debate Podcast featuring all your...
Sep 25, 2020
Topics: Louisville protestors reject decision not to prosecute police who murdered Breonna Taylor; Cops are getting worse, not better; Will Dems take to the streets after Trump refuses to vacate?; Why Fascism is a virus; Is the Left prepared to fight Fascism? Are Dems prepared to fight Fascism?; The Overton Window's...
Sep 22, 2020
Topics: Trump's short list to replace RBG; If Pelosi and Schumer won't shut the government down to block Trump's Supreme Court nominee they won't ever fight for us; Impeach Bill Barr A.S.A.P.; Biden needs to talk about I.C.E. sterilizing women; Biden can't save the planet if he won't ban fracking; Treasury Dept.'s...
Sep 18, 2020
Topics: David holds his nose and endorses Biden; Julian Assange's extradition; Bill Barr compares lockdown to slavery; The Noble Lie; Are Incels right about women?; Biden's climate change plan isn't horrible; America's violent history in Latin America; Bloomberg blows 100 million in Florida on Biden; Michael Caputo takes a...