Apr 30, 2021
Topics: Joe Rogan's vaccine advice; Rudy's home is raided, will he
flip?; Amazon's profits triple; Police brutality is getting
Guests With Time Stamps:
(3:00) "Where Are You?" Recorded by Mike Steinel and Rosana
(9:14) David does The News
(1:13:18) Andrea Rovenski reports from Elizabeth City,...
Apr 27, 2021
Topics: Academy Awards had no host and no audience; American
police are facing a day of reckoning; Why Republicans by definition
are the party of Fascism
(5:43) David does The News
(18:04) Senator Susan Collins (Martha Previte) gives some "Shout
Outs" for Diabetic Fury
(27:49) Marc Cevasco, chief of staff to...
Apr 23, 2021
Topics: Mike Rowe teaches us how to sound like Don Rickles; The
myth of the "honest cop"; Biden tackles Climate Change but Climate
Change gets back up
Guests With Time Stamps:
(5:15) David Does The News
(1:01:47) Mike Rowe, Emmy Award winning comedy writer, Futurama
and Family Guy, and author of “It’s A Funny...
Apr 20, 2021
Topics: The party of insurrectionists blames Rep. Maxine Waters;
Remembering Walter Mondale; Derek Chauvin trial goes to jury; Covid
is far from over
(2:03) David does The News
(6:26) Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AKA Martha
(28:30) PM Pete Dominick, host of StandUP! With Pete Dominick
Apr 16, 2021
Topics: Derek Chauvin won't talk and Congressman Jim Jordan needs
to shut his mouth
Guests With Time Stamps:
(3:46) Jon Ross, writer/comedian and gentleman farmer
(30:13) Mike Rowe, Emmy Award winning comedy writer, Futurama and
Family Guy, and author of “It’s A Funny Thing: How the Professional
Comedy Writing...