Jun 19, 2020
Professor Corey Brettschneider, author of
"The Oath And The Office: A Guide To The Constitution for
Future Presidents;"
Professor Dorothy Roberts, author of "Killing
the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty
Janet Capron, author of "Blue
Money," whose latest piece in Public Seminar "Don’t
Sell Your Mind” compares and contrasts her two careers,
prostitution and medical advertising;
Comic Todd Barry, author of "Thank You
for Coming to Hattiesburg: One Comedian's Tour of
Not-Quite-the-Biggest Cities in the World;" Animal Behaviorist
Dr. Jennifer Verdolin, author of "Raised by
Animals;" Political Advertising Guru for Ralph Nader,
Governor Jesse Ventura and Senator Paul Wellstone, Bill
Hillsman author of "Run The Other Way: Fixing the
Two-Party System, One Campaign at a Time "(Simon &
Schuster); Philosophy Professor Ben Burgis,
author of "Myth & Mayhem: A Leftist Critique of Jordan
Peterson;" PETA Podcast's Emil
Guillermo; Professor of Psychoanalysis, Dr.
Phillip Herschenfeld and his son
Ethan, actor and comic; The Rev.
Barry W. Lynn from Americans United for
Separation of Church and State; Burt
Ross, American Hero; Dave Sirus,
screenwriter, whose latest film is "The King of Staten
Island" starring Pete Davidson, Marisa Tomei and Bill Burr,
directed by Judd Apatow; What's on your mind?
David takes your calls.
Music by Lance Jeffries and Jim Mahood
Time Code: Professor Corey Brettschneider (6:35) Professor Dorothy Roberts (37:03) Janet Capron (1:17:20) Todd Barry (1:36:19) Dr. Jennifer Verdolin (2:06:38) Bruce Hillsman (2:41:36) Professor Ben Burgis (3:24:55) Emil Guillermo (3:59:28) Dr. Philip Herschenfeld & His Son Ethan (4:16:16) The Rev. Barry W. Lynn (5:00:31) Burt Ross (5:29:50) Dave Sirus (5:54:03) David Takes your calls (6:34:07)